5 Ways to Increase Landing Page Conversions

Brooke Johnson
3 min readApr 11, 2021
  1. Know your Objectives: Like any business strategy it is important to know why your company is making a decision. This should be the first step when putting together your landing page. Your CTA should also be known by looking at the landing page. Establishing these objectives should be done using the same process as other objectives in the company to ensure they are helping further the company's overall objects.
  2. Accessibility: Something to consider when designing your layout is whether or not your landing page is accessible to all. For instance people with low vision have a difficulty with distinguishing between colors and seeing colors as well. Colors to be aware of not grouping together are separated into three groups. The first group of colors to avoid grouping together on the landing page is navy blue. brown, and black. The second group of colors to avoid grouping together on the landing page is blue, green, and purple. The third group of colors to avoid grouping together on the landing page is pink, yellow, and pale green. In addition it is important to keep it in mind some other tips to make sure the land page is visually accessible to everyone. Bright colors would be great to incorporate into the landing page since they cause the least amount of eye strain to see since they reflect light. Another great thing to try and do is add contrast in images and writing you want to stick out as it makes it easy to read and see. In addition, it is important to see if your landing page fonts fit with the text to reading for people who are completely blind.
  3. Layout: A great layout of the website will be easy to read and navigate. The same applies to the land page. We do not want a customer to be overwhelmed at the first impression of the business. With this in mind it is important to keep a simple landing page. The customer should be able to tell your CTA and able to navigate to different pages on the website without feeling stressed. In say this we also want to draw them in and provide some images/graphics that emphasize or help the CTA. The layout should be daring your attention to the attributes of the page that most represent your brand and your objectives.
  4. Reliability: This landing page is the first click into the company that the company is getting. We want to give them a reason to trust us on this page. Depending on what your company it is this could change what you are advertising on your landing page. In addition if your website is something that has paid ad banners this is something that you have to decide whether you want those ads on the landing page. The ads being the first impression could deter some people. At the very least these ads on the landing page should at least be screened to make sure they align with the company's values and are not immediately represent the brand falsely.
  5. Know Your Audience: All four points listed above are extremely important when trying to increase your company's landing page conversions, but theres always something else to consider. You know your target audience best and that means everything listed above should be customized to your targets demographics. Depending on age of your target audience it could change how tech savvy they are and this could change the layout or accessibility features. This should also be further outlined when defining your goals.

Alton, L. https://www.semrush.com/blog/4-characteristics-high-converting-landing-pages-have-in-common/?kw=&cmp=US_SRCH_DSA_Blog_Core_BU_EN&label=dsa_pagefeed&Network=g&Device=c&utm_content=485542678980&kwid=dsa-1053501809507&cmpid=11769537497&agpid=117334844791&BU=Core&extid=167368304676&adpos=&gclid=CjwKCAjwvMqDBhB8EiwA2iSmPNBmYdS2HS4n4v5F_UXagXHGcy5VsOnHTtcaIXrm_4lcLYdf_MqvEBoCQEUQAvD_BwE

Maureen A. Duffy, M.S., CVRT. “Contrast and Color,” August 27, 2020. https://visionaware.org/everyday-living/home-modification/contrast-and-color/

